January 13, 2013

Everyday Moments | January

The first Everyday Moments post of 2013!  I am loving being a part of this great group of talented female photographers, posting monthly about simple, sweet moments in life.  Please be sure to follow the circle and visit Bamboo Leaf Studios to read about her moments!

My daughter and I went outside for some bubble fun while the littles napped.  I feel like these capture who she is so honestly.

Thats my sweet, little big girl!

Now continue on to Bamboo Leaf Studios!  Thanks for following along our journeys!


  1. Just BEAUTIFUL!!!! The shot and your sweet pea ;)

  2. These are absolutely gorgeous!! Such beautiful light! I think my favorite is the last one. It has such a magical feel to it!

    1. Thank you so much, Ashley! I'm super lucky to have pretty light in our backyard! <3

  3. Adorable! I love her Little Mermaid outfit - Ariel was my favorite too ;)

    1. Thanks, Megan! Ariel is her current favorite... what little girl doesn't dream about being a mermaid?!

  4. these are just beautiful Alison! {the light and your daughter!} I love the first one with the bubbles. :)

  5. Great photos! I love the playfulness in her second photo. :)

  6. Aw, how sweet!!! That first shot is awesome! Lovely light, great DOF.... and I'm super envious you're having bubble time in January! Your second shot is my second fav ;) Silly girl!!!
    btw, this is your IG friend!! So happy to have found your blog!
