We have had a busy month and honestly, I could've picked about 20 different directions to go in for this month's post. I decided to focus this month's moments on a very special haircut. My oldest came home a few weeks ago and announced, "Mommy- I want to get a haircut and donate my hair to Locks of Love." We had never discussed this before, so I was hit with a warmhearted, weepy pride that my little girl had such a giving heart, having seen two of her classmates do the same.
We made the appointment with the amazing stylist I go to (if you're in the OC, email me if you're looking for someone amazing to do your hair!), and off we went! The Locks of Love minimum is 10 inches of hair, which was easy for my Katie.

Eleven inches later, my girl was so happy with her new cut and with the idea of sending her locks to someone who desired them!
I pray that as she grows, she continues to be a girl who has an inner call to give of herself- not just hair, but time, service and love. So proud of my beautiful little big girl!
Continue on to Christine Maus Photography for the next sweet Everyday Moments!