As a portrait photographer, I get asked a lot of great questions from clients, friends and family about capturing great photos. While there are a lot of technical things to get into, (and I will talk about some of those things in the future!) there are certain things you can do right now to improve your photos of your kids.
1. Get down on their level!
One of the most important steps to take your photos of your kids from "aww!" to "oooh!" is to work those leg muscles and get down on their level. Instead of pointing the camera down toward them, bring yourself down and shoot straight on- it makes a huge difference!

2. Find the right light!
Many parents are astonished when I move their children into shade, rather than in full sun. "Don't you want lots of light?" Well, yes and no. I DO want light- I DON'T want it direct. Direct light leads to shadows, squinty eyes and generally unflattering light. Pull them into full shade, and the eyes will be brighter, the skin will be consistent and darn it- that kid will be happier for not being blinded! Watch out under trees, though! When the sun shines through the trees and causes spots of bright light, that is called dappled light- and no one likes that in their photos.
Sunny day... shady spot...

And this brings us to our next point...
3. Have them facing a source of light for sparkly eyes!
One of the most asked questions I get is, "How do you make their eyes look so sparkly? Photoshop??" No, it isn't Photoshop (not all of it at least). You can't get realistic sparkle in their eyes if it isn't there already! While you're taking their picture, turn them facing toward a source of light- maybe a window in your home, toward a sunny area if you're in the shade (you're in full shade already, right??)... you get the idea. If you turn them toward a dark wall or shady hedges, their eyes remain dark. As they said in Hair, "Let the Sunshine In"!
4. Don't get angry- get silly!
It's tough. You really want a nice photo of your kids. You have a great setting, pretty clothes and great intentions. But they're kids. And it's frustrating! I laugh when parents tell me how patient I am with their kids, because it's so different when I'm shooting my own! "Sit down! Look here! Not that kind of smile!!!!" You feel me? Let them be kids- laugh with them, make dog noises, pretend to sneeze... do what you have to do. My clients can attest to this- I have no problem making a fool of myself! It's worth it!

5. Redefine your idea of "the perfect photo"!
Okay, I know this isn't exactly a tip, but I think it's an important point to be made. We get this image in our minds of the perfect picture, and we can't let go. Believe me- when I can't achieve a shot I've been dreaming of, I want to throw things. But as parents, we really need to rethink what makes a great photo of our children. It does not take thousands of dollars in photo equipment to capture very special images. It doesn't take perfect smiles, the perfect outfit or magic, angelic children that do not exist to achieve a beautiful image. Some of my very favorite photos of my kids are ones that include drooly faces or stained t-shirts. Get photos of them with people who you care about... I have only one photo of my son with his great aunt, who passed one month after he was born. Was it a magnificent portrait? Not in the least. Is it a treasure? Absolutely. Get in the photos yourself! Don't stay behind the camera all the time- your kids will love having photos with you later. So, in short, do your best, have fun and take LOTS of photos!
I'm really looking forward to sharing more tips with you about using your camera, taking pictures of your kids and sharing them with others! Now get your camera out and get to work!