I know, I know... it's been a while! My excuse is that life has been pretty busy! Between the demands of my other job & my family, moving to a new home and the exhausting work of growing another baby (hooray!!!), suffice to say that I have not been bored. While I haven't been shooting as much as I'd like, I did have the opportunity to second shoot two weddings in January with the wonderful Kristen of Kaptured by Kristen! She is always so generous to allow me the learning experience- and I am thrilled that we're both expecting baby boys in July! What fun!
So on to the weddings! Here is a taste of Liz & Steve's beautiful day! If the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" didn't make you wish you were a part of a large Greek family, their wedding certainly would have! The warm family, the beautiful church, the laughter, the music and the endless night of fun dancing and celebrating were all wonderful! Congrats you two- no one could ever deny the love you have for one another!